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Imam Hossein and Hindus
The Hindus devotion to Imam Hossein (AS) has a long history.
For instance
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in a Shia’s mosque to attend Imam Hossein (AS) mourning anniversary.
This event was hosted by Davoodi Borha community.
Modi chose a white outfit as a sign of respect to mourners because the white colour is the symbol of sadness in the death of beloved ones in India.
In this event, he said: “ Imam Hossein (AS) martyred to save peace and justice and raised his voice against injustice. Nowadays, these lessons are more important than ever before”.
You are watching an interview of Mr. Balram Shukla, an academician, poet and author who is fluent in Persian and Sanskrit with Fotrosmedia.