son of man ( imam mahdi )

son of man ( imam mahdi ) and jesus christ will return soon

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At last! Our first song about the Savior whom the whole world is awaiting.
There is no night that never ends, although it may take a thousand years. Now that we have reached the darkest moments of the night, and people are more disillusioned than ever with clinging to self-made ropes, it is hoped that mankind will reach out towards the true morning, and the one whom God has chosen to save the earth at the end of the day will arrive. Yes, the morning is near.
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07 May 20 ، 09:37 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

The world is longing for the Justice of the Savior

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Bloodshed , poverty , hunger , racism , diseases , ...  this is our current world . If you want this to end , ask God for the Promised Savior of mankind , the Promised Mahdi , he is the treasure of peace and tranquility . He’ll become the refuge for the people of the world by his coming and save the world from the tyrants with the assistance of his companions and Jesus . It’s the tyrants who should scares his coming , not the oppressed people .

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08 April 20 ، 09:38 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

امام مهدی و عیسی

21 July 19 ، 03:43 ۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Du'a al-Faraj O Allah, terrible was the calamity

the pic :

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💢 Home global campaign of reciting Du’a Faraj (Reappearance Supplication) over a period of 40 days 👥 From Tuesday, March 10 (the night of Lady Zeynab’s martyrdom) at 18:30 GMT, Home global reciting of Du’a Faraj (Reappearance Supplication) over a period of 40 days for the hastening of the Reappearance and relieving Muslims
📣 Very important announcement of Masaf Institute 📌 Disease, flood, war, earthquake, ... time and earth are distressed. Nothing is on place. The only hope for relief is the Reappearance of the Divine Savior... 🔺Imam Mahdi (PBUH) himself has said several times: “pray for the Reappearance since this praying is your relief.” (Ihtijaj, v. 2)
It’s time to pray and ask God to spare us the remaining time of the Occultation 😔 🇺🇸🇨🇦 14:30 🕝 🇦🇺 5:30 🕠 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 18:30 🕡 🇩🇪 19:30 🕢 🇲🇾 2:30 🕝 🇮🇩 1:30 🕜 🇮🇳 00:00 🕛 📝 Imam Mahdi (PBUH): “Tell my friends and Shias to swear God on my aunt, Zeynab (PBUH), to hasten my Reappearance...” (Imam Mahdi’s lovers, v. 1, p. 251) 🙏 Please Share this message as much as possible. The world is going to be worse, not better. It’s only him who is the cure for the world. Let’s not neglect anything that might hasten his Reappearance...

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22 April 19 ، 16:24 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

The Genealogy of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)


The Genealogy of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

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The beginning of the Imamate of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

His noble father was Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH), the 11th Imam of Shiites who was born in 232 AH (846 AC) in Medina and martyred in 260 AH (873 AC) in Samarra.

Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) mother was Narjis Khatoon who from father side is Joshua’s daughter, the son of the Cesar, Byzantine Empire and from mother side she reverts to Simon one of the Jesus’ (PBUH) apostles that was transferred from Rome to Medina and then in Imam Hadi’s house, she got acquainted with Islamic Rules under the supervision of Halimeh Khatoon, the daughter of Imam Javad (PBUH). Then Imam Hadi (PBUH) married her off to Imam Askari (PBUH) and accordingly this pious gentlewoman had the honor of being Imam Mahdi’s mother. This respectful lady according to one quotation passed away in 261 AH (874 AC) and as another quotation one year after the 11th Imam’s martyrdom. Her honorable tomb is located next to Imam Askari’s Shrine in Samarra.

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21 April 19 ، 08:51 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Factors of Mahdi (PBUH) Reappearance- part 2


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Factors of the Promised Mahdi (PBUH) Reappearance

Part 2

part 1

Maybe, that’s why one of the signs of the beginning of Imam Mahdi’s revolution is spreading of oppression in the world. This can be proved by two ways:

1- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) considered the spreading of

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18 April 19 ، 10:36 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Factors of Mahdi (PBUH) Reappearance- part 1


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Factors of the Promised Mahdi (PBUH) Reappearance

Part 1

Reappearance Factors are the factors that pave the way for Imam’s Reappearance and are considered as the reasons of his reappearance. It must be said about it: Although the main factor of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance is the “will of God”, but what humans can do for reappearance preparation is the elimination of factors which causes his occultation and to make themselves prepared. This preparation is achieved by doing their duties and obligations specially the duties of the absence era such as: Waiting for the reappearance, praying, patience, self-development, intellectual and social growth. This preparation should be proportionate to the acceptance of global governance: which means it has to be widespread and public and the public opinion should be ready to approve and support him.

Whatever that plays a role in the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and is considered as a reason of his return, can be counted as a Reappearance factor. We can say: Although the main factor of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance is the “will of God”, but what humans

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17 April 19 ، 06:50 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Other Religions and Nations

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Other Religions and Nations

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Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Other Religions and Nations

We are going to briefly take a look at the glad tidings of past scriptures and the beliefs of past nations concerning the Savior.
Belief in a savior originates from the divine nature of man; it is this belief that gives hope to the hearts. However; this belief has been recorded in the ancient civilizations’ books. Furthermore, even though there have been differences in the belief in the existence of a savior, this belief has existed amongst most nations, being related to many faiths directly. Due to the divine law of Allah of sending prophets to promise the arrival of a savior, the belief in a savior has been mentioned in other holy books. Though the narrations regarding the savior in other beliefs do not all coincide exactly with the Shiite faith, they at least prove the existence of a savior. This article will be elaborating and presenting the different beliefs of previous faiths about the existence of a savior.

So, in this part of the article we shall discuss the glad tidings of past scriptures and the beliefs of past nations concerning the Savior.

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in the Old Testament

In 35 out of the 150 parts of psalms, Coming of Savior (The Psalms of David) is mentioned.

For the evildoers shall be cut off,”

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15 April 19 ، 12:59 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

12th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)

12th Imam- Mahdi (PBUH)

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Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) (Arabic: امام مهدی‎) is the 12th and the last Imam of Shia from the descendant of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and he is prophesied in all Abrahamic books (Turah, Bible, Quran). It is prophesied he will return along with the prophet Jesus (PBUH) to save the world and end all misers, wars, famine … and lead the people into the truth.

Birth in Samarra

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was born in 869 A.D (15th, Sha’ban, 255 A.H) in Samarra. When his great father, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) martyred by Abbasid caliph; he reached the exalted position of the Imamate. As it was mentioned by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before, His name (Muhammad) and his agnomen (Abu’l-Qasim) are the same as the Prophet’s. His father, the 11th Shia Imam, was Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH), and his mother, the lady Narjis.

For various reasons, the twelfth Imam, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) from the first day of his life, did not appear publicly, and for about seventy years people

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11 April 19 ، 03:30 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Sunni books

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in Sunni books

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Imam Mahdi (pbuh) in Sunni books

1-Imam Mahdi (AS) in Sihah Sitta[1]

Inevitability of Imam Mahdi’s uprising: It is unanimous by Shia and Sunni People that Imam Mahdi (AS) shall arrive and even non-Muslim people has promised the arrival of one savior at the last age to their followers.

These are some examples:

but with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; … And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. … They shall not hurt nor destroy in my entire holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea.[2]

Or In the Old Testament:

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07 April 19 ، 14:44 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi