The ninth and tenth reasons for the necessity of knowing and getting familiarized with Imam Mahdi (PBUH):
“It rises one’s rank to the level of those who fight alongside Imam Mahdi (PBUH)”
Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said: “Anyone who gets to know his Imam then dies before the Imam’s uprising, is like someone who is sitting in the Imam’s army; and no, he is like the one who is sitting under his banner.”
“We need it very much at the moment of dying”
Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said: “Indeed, the earth (this world) will not be reformed except by the presence of
an Imam; and anyone who does not (try to) know his Imam and he dies in that state, it would be a death
in ignorance. And the time during which you need this recognition more than ever is when you are at the moment of dying. And those who has earned this recognition while they were alive, at that time (at the moment of dying), having seen the facts of the universe and the life after death will say: I had a good religion and manner.”
Al-Qaibat Na´mani , chapter 25 - Bihar al-Anwar, volume 23
The text from :