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A Christian Priest On Imam Hussain
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Imam Hussain a Universal Figure
Imam Hussain was the grandson of Mohammad (pbuh) the prophet of Islam and the third Imam of the Shia. He was brutally murdered in the land of Karbala along with his family and followers on Yazid’s order who was a corrupt and unreligious person claiming leadership of the Islamic society. He was murdered because he refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid. His heroic stand against false Islam and in order to defend true values has inspired the admiration of all justice seeking people around the world. In this short video you’ll hear the words of Father Nadim Nasser (an Anglican priest) about Imam Hussain (pbuh).
Imam Hussein (AS) Flag on the gateways of China
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دانلود ویدیو (همراه با کاور )
Imam Hussein (AS) Flag on the gateways of China
Near the China border, in northeastern of Pakistan, there is a beautiful city in the heart of the Himalayas mountains called Skardu with Shia inhabitants.
Based on their interest in Iran, this place also has been called little Iran.
Despite their cold climate, their hearts are warm and beat in love of Ahlul Bayt (AS).
Recently, Imam Hussein holy shrine administration held the “ Karbala breeze” event there and sent the holy shrine flag to Skardu.
Muslim Abbas Sakban, one of this event organizers says:
“Upon our arrival, at the Skardu airport along with the Imam Hussein holy shrine flag, a large crowd of lovers of Imam Hussein (AS) from remote areas was waiting for our arrival.
They came towards us and wanted to touch the holy flag while chanting “Labbaik Ya Hussein”.
The atmosphere was similar to Karbala but in Himalayas mountains”.
The Prince of Martyrs.....Imam Hossein is called the prince of martyrs. What can we learn from it
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arbaeen _The appointment of the awaiting people for The Reappearance
The Muslims were taught that here (Karbala) was the place of their reunion.
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دانلود ویدیو ( زیر نویس فارسی )
Arbaeen propaganda
Every year many gatherings in different parts of the world are held for various purposes, such as:
LGBT prides, Munich Oktoberfest, Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea, Brazilian Carnival and many others.
All of these gatherings happen in tight security precautions and vast media coverage.
While according to IntelCenter and International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reports:
“Iraq is among the most insecure countries in the world”.
Thus, in one of the most insecure countries, people are gathered only to deliver the message of:
peace and truth through the largest gathering ever in the world.
Now, why the organizations such as UNESCO and Guinness have not attempted to register this peerless event.
Also, major global media kept this event
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Hussain ibn Ali was a 7th century revolutionary leader who made a stand against Yazid ibn Muawiyah. Yazid was a tyrannical ruler who had illegally usurped power and was violating the basic rights and dignity of the people. Yazid wanted Hussain to pay allegiance to him, to lend credibility to his own corrupt rule. However Hussain refused to do so, based on his moral values and principles, and was killed by an army of over 30,000 whilst standing with a small number of 72.
After the Battle of Karbala, the forces of Yazid took the women and children of Hussain’s family as captive. They were paraded in chains through the streets of Kufa (Iraq) and Damascus (Syria) – where they were abused by crowds until eventually presented to Yazid and placed in prison.
Though Hussain has died, his movement still continued through his sister Zainab, and son Zain Al-Abideen. Hussain’s sister and his son defied Yazid in his own courtyard through famous sermons which unnerved even his closest allies. Eventually, Yazid had no choice but to free the captives as word spread across the region of the crime he had committed against Hussain ibn Ali and his family.
It is said that the Day of Arbaeen is the day on which Hussain’s family returned to the land of Karbala, to properly bid farewell to the fallen heroes and finally grieve for their loved ones.