The pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (PBUH)
The pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (PBUH) is one of the duties of the awaiting people during the occultation because it is a kind of devotion to Imam Mahdi and goodness toward him and other Imams, and by doing pilgrimage, joy and pleasure fills Imam’s heart and he prays for the pilgrims of Imam
Hussein’s shrine as his ancestors did from down to dust.
In the authentic book of "Kamil al- Ziyarat", Imam Sadiq says:
1-“The one who grants alms for the sake of Imam Hussein, any penny will be counted as thousands and for him/her and he/she will gain the consent of God, Prophet Muhammad and Imams.
2-The pilgrimage of Imam Hussein’s shrine is the most admirable deed for God.”
3-Imam Sadiq says in his prayers: “Oh God, grant me and my brothers and the pilgrims of my father Imam Hussein your pardon, whom spent out their properties and wasted away their bodies…hence bestow on
them your heaven, and protect them from any kind of rebellious and malevolent creatures and devils of jinn and men….”
And these are the reasons for making Imam Mahdi and other Imams happy due to this honorable deed.
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