son of man ( imam mahdi )

son of man ( imam mahdi ) and jesus christ will return soon

۱۳۹ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Imam zaman» ثبت شده است

Seeking the Savior in the Bible

Seeking the Savior in the Bible

Jesus Christ says about the Apocalypse: “Nations will be at war! Famine, pestilence and earthquakes will occur! People will hate each other! The sun will darken and the moon will have no light!”

Matthew, chapter24, verses 1to6

Whatever is said, this prophecy is much scarier than the terrible flood of Noah and the tale of Lot's folk!!! More importantly, humanity must experience and pass through all these calamities so that it can acquire the "merit" of believing in "the belief of salvation"! It is here that God does not get involved directly in "Saving" but sends his messengers to save the believers! Such as sending Moses, like sending Jesus...

Is it not the time for our "Savior Seeking" to get deeper?

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21 July 18 ، 12:43 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Economy in the time of Reappearance

Economy in the time of Reappearance

Imam Baqir (PBUH) said:

 “World wealth will be accumulated and will be in the possession of Mahdi (PBUH); the wealth beneath the ground and the wealth on the ground; then he will tell people, “Come and take what you cut the ties for” (i.e. materialism)

 “So he will give (everyone) as much wealth that no one before him had not given to another and he provides the earth with utter justice.”

Qeibat Na’mani P. 237

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20 July 18 ، 12:49 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

The leaders of the occultation

The leaders of the occultation

Imam Hadi(PBUH) said :

In the occultation of our Qa’im, if there weren’t any scholars and sages who invite people to Imam Mahdi or any defenders of the religion or helper to save unable people from evil’s and enemies’ traps, all people would stop following God’s religion and would become a pagan.

Scholars and sages, who save weak and poor Shia Muslims like a captain who guides a ship, are better and beloved ones for God.

Al-Ihtijaj, volume 1, page 18

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19 July 18 ، 13:28 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

A clever and meaningful answer

A clever and meaningful answer

2-The second reason is the necessity of knowing the Imam of each era:

"It is a sign of faith"

Aban ibn Taghlib says: “I asked Imam Sadiq: Is a person faithful if he knows all Imams except for the Imam of his own era? The Imam said: “No.” I asked again: Is he considered as a Muslim?

The Imam answered: “Yes.”

The Source: Kamal al-Din and Tamam Al-Nimeh

The important lesson:

"Every Muslim is not considered as a faithful one"

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17 July 18 ، 12:56 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Savior Seeking in the Quran

Savior Seeking in the Quran

Throughout history, in order to survive the catastrophes, people were waiting for a "savior"! Like Noah who saved people from drowning in a storm! Saving Lot from the city full of lustful people! Saving the Israelites from Pharaohs!

Therefore, due to this, God removed people with lustful life off the history; those who rejected Noah were destroyed! People of Sodom (Lut’s Tribe) were burned by the lightning! And also the drowning of Pharaohs in the Nile…

Therefore this whine of those who wait for a savior “Where is the destroyer of the buildings of hypocrisy and blasphemy? ” has a Quranic root.

Sura/Verse: ash-shu`araa' (The Poets) 169, Yoonus 73, al-Anbiyaa' (The Prophets) 71, al-Baqarah (The Cow) 49

the text from :

الاستنجاد بالمخلص فی القرآن

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16 July 18 ، 15:55 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

son of man

This greek text is from one of the old bible
Translation: At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn (smite the breast) and they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory . Matthew 24:30
Annual people are smiting the breast(slow hit to your chest) in arbaeen (one of the public Religious gatherings that people come from all over the world) and they help together in the way and you see only kindness. Son of man(imam mahdi) will come with jesus christ (son of god in the bible) and they spread justice all over the world .
You can be helper or lover them if you like spreading justice and destroying injustice for ever.

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16 July 18 ، 14:56 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Blessings in the time of Reappearance

Blessings in the time of Reappearance

The Holy Prophet said:

“In the era of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the earth puts out its treasures such as pieces of gold and silver,

The thief comes forward and says:

“Was my hand cut for a thing like this?”

The murderer comes forward and says:

“Did I commit murder for such an object?”

The one who hasn’t maintained ties with his family says:

“Did I cut the ties (with my relatives) for such a thing?”

Then these pieces of gold and silver remain on the ground and nobody has the slightest desire to take them.”

Besharat al-Islam p.71

البرکة فی زمن الظهور

🔅 قال رسول الله (ص) :

تقیء الأرض أفلاذ کبدها أمثال الأسطوان من الذهب و الغضة فیجیء 🔺القاتل فیقول فی هذا قتلت ویجیء 🔺 القاطع فیقول فی هذا قطعت رحمی ویجیء 🔺السارق فیقول فی هذا قطعت یدی ثم یدعونه فلا یأخذون منه شیئا.

📚 کتاب بشارة الإسلام ص۷۱

" برکت در زمان ظهور "

پیامبر اکرم فرمودند :

در عصر حضرت مهدی ، زمین جگر پاره های خود را چون قطعات طلا و نقره بیرون می ریزد،

دزد آمده می گوید :

من برای نظیر این اموال بود که دستم بریده شد؟

قاتل آمده می گوید :

من برای چنین کالایی مرتکب قتل شدم؟

قاطع (صله) رحم آمده می گوید :

من برای چنین چیزی قطع (صله) رحم کردم !

آنگاه این استوانه های طلا و نقره روی زمین می ماند و کسی رغبت نمی کند که چیزی از آن بردارد "

بشارة الاسلام ص ۷۱

Who is 12 th imam ?

Who is imam Mahdi ?

Who is imam hussain ?

Who is twelfth imam ?

who is son of man ?

15 July 18 ، 15:53 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

“Constant expectation for Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance”

“Constant expectation for Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance”

One of the duties of the awaiting people is to wait for his reappearance and to prepare themselves for that enormous event. God in the Quran accounts worshiping as a goal of human creation.”

The Prophet says while interpreting this verse in the Quran that the best worship is expectation for Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance

Mekyal al-Makarem, volume 2

A reminder:

We should examine ourselves to see how much we are really waiting for Imam Mahdi.

الانتظار المستمر لظهور الإمام  

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14 July 18 ، 16:32 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

What is the necessity of knowing Imam Mahdi?

What is the necessity of knowing Imam Mahdi?

To answer this question, first it is necessary to pay attention to 11 reasons for the importance of acquainting oneself with Imam Mahdi.

1-The first reason: the reason of Man’s Creation

Imam Hussein told his companions:

“O people, Allah has not created humans except to know him. When they recognized him, they worship him. When they worship him, for the blessing of this prayer, they do not need to worship entities than God.”

A man asked: “What’s the recognition of God?”

the Imam said:

“That is, people of any age should know the Imam whom they should obey the commands of his.” 

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 23, p. 83

The result: Knowing God = Getting to know the Imam of each era

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13 July 18 ، 04:39 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi