son of man ( imam mahdi )

son of man ( imam mahdi ) and jesus christ will return soon

۸ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «معرفی امام زمان به انگلیسی» ثبت شده است

The Promised Savior

این فایل به صورت reel ویدیو برای سایز اینستا اماده شده

متن فارسی و لایسنس موزیک در ادامه مطلب

Video clip for Instagram (REEL)

He'll be the savior of those who've been humiliated because of their skin color

He'll be the savior of those who've been ridiculed for their race

He's the one who will come with Christ....

download for instagram reel

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دانلود ویدیو مناسب برای سایزreel اینستاگرام : دریافت

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08 December 24 ، 15:11 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

The Promised Mahdi

این فایل به صورت ویدیو برای سایز اینستا اماده شده

متن فارسی و لایسنس موزیک در ادامه مطلب

Video clip for Instagram (REEL)
God blessing the promised Mahdi, who with his coming, the earth will be in happiness, comfort, blessings and equality .Jesus Christ will also accompany him. thogether they will form a just government. Let’s pray for their Reappearance.

download for instagram reel

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دانلود ویدیو مناسب برای سایزreel اینستاگرام : دریافت

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09 August 24 ، 01:26 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

O savior of mankind!

متن وعکس  فارسی در ادامه مطلب

Where is the savior who soothes the suffered hearts by his emergence? He who defeats the evil forces and avenges the oppressed in the world. O savior of mankind! O Imam Mahdi! Come!

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02 May 24 ، 12:04 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

... When your heart breaks

متن وعکس  فارسی در ادامه مطلب

When your heart breaks for the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza, along with your efforts for their freedom, call upon the promised  Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) and ask God for his swift appearance; God hears and fulfills your prayers.

Oh Mahdi! Oh, only you can bring back joy and peace to Palestine.

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29 April 24 ، 13:06 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

The promised Mahdi and Jesus Christ are allies

متن وعکس  فارسی در ادامه مطلب

The promised Mahdi and Jesus Christ are allies, together they will form a just government, but on the other hand, the Antichrist, the capitalism and Zionism, try to prevent this government to form.

This is the final battle between good and evil which will determine the destiny of the world.

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18 August 23 ، 05:19 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Muslims are waiting for the Jesus and the Mahdi

متن فارسی و عکس نوشته در ادامه مطلب

The arrogance of the media government prevents the world from understanding and seeing that Muslims are preparing themselves for the coming of the Jesus Christ and the promised Mahdi in the Arbaeen procession, instead of the whole world, Muslims are waiting for the Jesus Christ and the Mahdi on this path.

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10 August 23 ، 12:35 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi and Christ are allies

متن فارسی و عکس نوشته در ادامه مطلب

Imam Mahdi and Christ are allies; why don’t we Muslims and Christians pray together for their return. Let’s help each other to save ourselves from the darkness of injustice. Let us all stand with Mahdi and Jesus, Let’s pray together regardless of our faith and race.

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23 July 23 ، 02:10 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

son of man

This greek text is from one of the old bible
Translation: At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn (smite the breast) and they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory . Matthew 24:30
Annual people are smiting the breast(slow hit to your chest) in arbaeen (one of the public Religious gatherings that people come from all over the world) and they help together in the way and you see only kindness. Son of man(imam mahdi) will come with jesus christ (son of god in the bible) and they spread justice all over the world .
You can be helper or lover them if you like spreading justice and destroying injustice for ever.

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16 July 18 ، 14:56 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi