son of man ( imam mahdi )

son of man ( imam mahdi ) and jesus christ will return soon

Daniel’s looking for the Savior

Daniel’s looking for the Savior

The prophet Daniel heartened the Jews when they were in hardship. Daniel’s book is a mysterious book wherein he has weird dreams and Gabriel is the one who interprets them. Its summary is as follows:

The kingdom of God is just and eternal… the son of the man and the divine kingdom will rule over the future world and His kingdom is everlasting. 1 [the son of the man in Old Testament and New Testament respectively refers to the imam mahdi

Daniel mysteriously expresses the thought about the promised. After him, another prophet called “Malachi” was also influential in globalization of such a thought.

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06 August 18 ، 05:34 ۲ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Readiness to accept Imam’s global Governance

Readiness to accept Imam’s global Governance

In order to accept a government, the world must be prepared in many different ways:

A) The intellectual and cultural preparation: The level of the world public viewpoints should be so high to know that the difference in color (racism), language and land can’t separate mankind from each other.

B) Social preparation: the world must be tired of oppression and evil regimes and demand a peacemaker for the salvation of mankind.

C) Technology and communication preparation: Contrary to what some people think that the new technology must be destroyed before the beginning of the global governance, not only the existence of these industries is not an obstacle to the concept of the “Global Governance” but also it maybe impossible to achieve such a goal without it, because it is necessary to use post-modern equipment to create and control a global system.

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05 August 18 ، 13:06 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۱
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Guidance of Islam about food and eating habits- 2

Guidance of Islam about food and eating habits- 2

Guidance of Islam and the Quran about food and eating habits

part 2

part 1


The amount of eating

God says in the Quran (7:31): “And eat and drink and be not extravagant”

It is also quoted from Imam Sadiq (PBUH) that: “Nothing harms the heart of the believer more than overeating.”

Imam Reza (PBUH) says: “Eating so much ends in getting diseases and if you eat so little it’s no longer the food for body. People have to quit eating when they still have a desire for food.”

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05 August 18 ، 11:30 ۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Like diamond ...

Like diamond ...

You can use “A piece of very valuable multi-carat diamond," in two ways:

Whether you use it as a "precious stone” or as a “calibration weight of scales" which is used in scale instead of a few-gram stone and weigh pepper and turmeric with it! Certainly, the right way of diamond usage is not using it as a calibration weight of scales!

Imam Mahdi (PBUH), this precious jewel, must be in position of “ Command,” and "" Ruling the world” we shouldn’t behave him like this, because he is much more precious than what we think ...

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04 August 18 ، 05:03 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

"Salvation from the being misled in the Occultation"

The text from :

The sixth reason to get acquaintance of the Imam of each era:

"Salvation from the being misled in the Occultation"

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) has said:

“Get to know the Imam of your era, if you know him, whether the Reappearance occurs quickly or late, you won’t incur any losses.”

Al-Qaibat  Na´mani, Chapter 25.

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said:

“If you experience the Occultation, persist on reciting this prayer:   O! God, introduce your Imam to me, otherwise I will go astray from my religion.”

Kamal al-Din and Tamam Al-Nimeh, Chapter 33

A reminder: we should not forget that Shimr also saw the Imam of his era but did not recognize him.

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03 August 18 ، 02:29 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Greater than Imagination...

The text from :
Photo reference :
@khadem_almahdi_313 ...

Greater than Imagination...

I cannot refer to him as the leader, he is greater than this. I cannot say the he is the first person, because there is not any second person (throughout the ranks)! We cannot describe him with any description other than “The Promised Mahdi”. He is the one that God has saved for the mankind.

imam Khomeini 

Sahifeh-of Imam, volume 12, p 482

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03 August 18 ، 01:46 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Savior seeking in the words of Isaiah

Savior seeking in the words of Isaiah

Isaiah lived 700 years before Christ's coming and used to deal with the issue of the emergence of a “Savior” more than other prophets. In his words, the best instance to save the Israelites was a person named "Immanuel". (Immanuel, literally, means God is with us)

Prior to Isaiah the concept of Messiah and the Savior did not have a universal perspective. But after him "the Concept of Messiah" remained active and Messiah has acquired a global function.

The prophets after him also promised a better future and the advent of a Messiah and an immortal religious government until the light of prophethood reached Daniel (PBUH)...

Isaiah, chapter 7, verse 14

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02 August 18 ، 02:55 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

An entirely monotheistic system of governing

An entirely monotheistic system of governing

There will be a time during which all the inhabitants of earth believe in monotheism and reject polytheism:

Imam Sadiq (PBUH), describing the inclusive and universal government of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), stated that:

“In the East and the West of the world, there will not be anyone who does not believe in the oneness of God and monotheism.”

Bihar al-Anwar, volume 52, p. 340

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02 August 18 ، 02:32 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Guidance of Islam about food and eating habits- 1


Guidance of Islam about food and eating habits

part 1

Forbidden substances in Islam




– Slaughtered animals that any other name than that of Allah has been invoked

– Strangled animals

– An animal that was killed by beating

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01 August 18 ، 11:20 ۰ comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi

Like prayer beads…

Like prayer beads…

The narrator said: “I asked Imam Sadiq (PBUH) about certain signs of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi if it will take so long?”

The Imam said: “No, they will happen as a regular string continuously.”

Al-Qaibat Na´mani, page 307

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01 August 18 ، 01:07 ۰ comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
Waiting for Imam Mahdi