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دانلود ویدیو: دریافت

دانلود ویدیو  (همراه با کاور )( مناسب برای انتشار در اینستاگرام ) : دریافت

دانلود ویدیو ( زیر نویس فارسی ) : دریافت


The owner of the Juventus Football Club

Edoardo Agnelli was the son of Gianni Agnelli

Who was an influential Italian wealthy investor and principal shareholder of Fiat, Ferarri, Maserati, Alfa_Romeo and Juventus football club.

Unlike his family desire, Edvardo studied and majored in mysticism, literature, and eastern religions.

He was always against the capitalist policies while supporting the lower class in society.

During his trip to India and Iran, he became familiar with Islam and Shiism and eventually converted to Islam and chose "Mahdi" as his name.

In 2000, his body was found dead under a highway bridge in Italy.

In 2009, Giuseppe_Pupo an Italian writer and journalist suspected Eduardo's death to be a murder.

Archived documents in Italian media strongly show that he was murdered.