imam mahdi ( son of man ) in the bible :

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12th Imam of Shia Muslims who is mentioned in the Bible as “Son of Man” (Luke 12:40) will return in the future and after him Prophet  Jesus will also return and affirms him. The 12th Imam or Imam Mahdi is Imam of kindness and mercy and Imam of all people in the world. He shall guide human beings to prosperity.

His main aim is to fight injustice, inequity, racism, warmongering, violence and every other negative ideology and act that has widely spread across the world and to establish justice, peace, welfare , kindness and friendship among all nations in the world. Among the main enemies of the 12th Imam are extremists and terrorists such as ISIL and Al-Qaeda who, behind the mask of a false version of Islam, commit crimes against people and humanity in different parts of the world. After the return of Imam Mahdi, world will be a much safer, happier and better place to live.